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NEWS & CIRC. News List Circular List | ![]() | ![]() |
New C/P Clause Promoting the use of the ICA NYPE Agreement as Amended September 2011 | North of England Marine Consultant Shanghai Limited Co. Office Move | |
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in the marine insurance market.
[Circular] Coal Cargoes Remain a Hot Topic
We continue to see vessels loading coal cargoes with temperatures in excess of 55°C, with Indonesia being a particular hot spot.
[Circular] Circular 17/23: United States temporarily authorizes transactions involving oil, gas and g......
The US Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (“OFAC”) recently issued 4 general licenses suspending certain sanctions in relation to transactions involving oil, gas, and gold in Venezuela. This includes a six-month General License No. 44 (“GL 44”) Authori......
[Circular] Caution on charterers’ requests on ventilating hygroscopic cargoes
Reports of some charterers making unusual requests on the ventilation of hygroscopic cargoes on passage highlight the need for all parties to be aware of the risks involved in taking readings of cargo hold atmospheres.
[Circular] MEPC 80 - A Summary
The IMO Marine Environmental Protection Committee (MEPC) responsible for matters concerning the prevention and control of pollution from ships, held its 80th session (MEPC 80) in London from 3-7 July 2023. The number of representatives attending in person was particularly high wi......
Emergency response on board vessels is normally comprehensively covered by the Emergency Guidance Manual or similar publication, within the vessel’s Safety Management System. An Emergency Guidance Manual will ordinarily address the issue of ship/shore/management interaction, alth......
[Circular] Safe handling and carriage of scrap metal in bulk
In recent years, Club has handled a number of claims involving the carriage of scrap metal in bulk and, from time to time, we get enquiries from Members for guidance on the handling and carriage of this cargo. Ship operators and masters should be aware of the risks related to scr......
[Circular] Piracy trends and high risk areas
Despite reports of global piracy declining for the second year in a row, the number of robbery incidents in the Singapore Strait reached a seven-year high in 2022 and vessels anchored in South American ports continue to be attacked by violent perpetrators.
[Circular] Working Purifiers Onboard
Purifiers are one of the most important pieces of auxiliary machinery and its main purpose is to separate water and other contaminants in the oil mixture using the principle of density difference. Heavier particles will be forced outward, and lighter particles will remain near to......
[Circular] Important Updates on COVID-19 Prevention and Restriction Policies at Chinese Mainland Port......
On December 26, 2022, the National Health Commission of the P.R.C. issued the Overall Plan on Managing the Novel Coronavirus Infection with Measures against Class B Infectious Diseases.
[Circular] Learning from Normal Work - Preventing incidents
Serious injuries to crew show a pattern of repeating events, with our work on Incident Prevention showing that an appalling number result in life-changing injuries and loss of life. The fundamental causes are ineffectual leadership such as poor mindsets, attitudes and associated ......
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